No compassion! The boys and girls hang from the words of lies and deceit. What did you learn from all of this? Nothing lost nothing gained? Like a sinking ship in icy waters we are drowning slowly hand in hand. And as I look back to what I've done, your face fades away in time. Like a ship in icy waters, we are drowning slowly hand in hand. I played the game of love and hate, and with a bitter tongue, I fucking won. As it all comes to an end, what we could have been, what we should have been, I'd like to say I cared, but I've forgotten what you meant to me. I never meant to be the one to pick the seams and make this come undone. I never meant to break your heart, to be the one to make this fall apart. I didn't want to be the one who made your world fall apart. I never meant to be the one who made this all come undone. But now all tears shed and all blood let, my heart is filled with regret. I'd like to say I once cared, but I didn't.