With a heart colder than ice With a soul blacker than night Cursed i am to wander these streets alone "desolation!" The wind is howling my name It's cold breath creeping down my neck Forever reminding me that Never again shall my name be uttered by ungrateful tongues Another day, another place you would cower and kneel before me Staring into cadaverous eyes, shadowed by vulgarity Reflecting my sunken features, masked by total obscenity Lo! Lo and behold complete obliteration A fate known best by you, my friend Your carcass serves as representation of a feeble race Crushed as insects Doomed from day one to inevitably meet its end Never again shall my name be uttered by ungrateful tongues Another day, another place you would cower and kneel before me Staring into cadaverous eyes, shadowed by vulgarity Reflecting my sunken features, masked by total obscenity The wind howls my name, forever reminding me