Ancient ones, uncalled by name Destroyers risen to slay Lords of death, gods of plague Fearless in battle...we ravage With iron teeth, with sharpened claws With eyes of death we storm! Enraged with evil motion Wreakers of pain, sculpting our throne Crushing the weak, they lie frail, motionless in our path In our wake those who fear shall meet their untimely end Leave none spared but servants and slaves Drunk of blood, in your misery we shall dance A toast of infinite might to this, our immortality May all bow to us, the dark lords of inhumanity Bring forth the wenches and the whores, you shall swallow the slime! Lay with us in carnality, our wretched seeds shall be sown! We are the lost ones from a time before time We are the ghouls who haunt the streets the wanderers of night We are the burning pain that presses on the backs of man The children of the underworld, unknown in heaven or on earth Bow to us! Kneel before our wretched throne in worship Present to us This offering most foul Prepare the sacrifice! So we may feast upon sweet virgin flesh So glorious! In all of it's sickening splendor This is the covenant! Scream the incantation ia! ia! I summon they Who sleepeth dead Open the gate! Like a flood they shall pass Fulfill the prophecy And raise the dead to devour the living We have lied in wait for so very long, hidden away, forgotten We have lied in wait for so very long, crouching for the sacrifice Our jaws are opened wide to gorge upon your sweet flesh We shall tear your limbs from your sides your eyes from your skull This is the end of everything, your day of judgement has come Our wrath descended upon you, the fallen shall rise in a river of blood [ we are revelry, we are woe We are eternal, so it shall be known ] * We are putrescent, we are blithe We are the day, we are the night We are before all things [ * ]