Nothing More

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Nothing More

You will find therefore, that if you get with reality
All thoughts of delusions disappear, all thoughts of delusions disappear

But you must remember that the secret to all of this is not to be afraid of fear
When you can really allow yourself to be afraid
And you don't resist the experience of fear
You are truly beginning to master fear
But when you refuse to be afraid, you are resisting fear
And that simply sets up a vicious circle of being afraid
Of fear of being afraid of being afraid of fear
If then you try to obliterate fear, you're working in a wrong way
To attack at fear is the strengthen it

As if you were God, that is to say
You don't trust anybody and you're the dictator
And you have to keep everybody in line
You lose the divine then
'Cause what you're doing is simply defending yourself
So then the principle is the more you give it away, the more it comes back

The meaning of the fact we see that everything is dissolving constantly
We're all falling apart
We're all in a process of constant death
Then you truly understand that you don't have to let go
Because there's nothing to hold on to