
Rude Awakening


Let it bleed cause it shuts the doors
The same doors you thought slammed in your face
Does bleed you've just thrown yourself against
What you did hate them for makes you bleed makes you proud
Warns you when and why to feel sad drags you deep down in your own mud
Makes you bite the dust just before this rude awakening
Could be the stepping stone of the rest of your life
But this rude awakening will be your gravestone
It's the price of your lies
What do you hide behind your locked eyelids you walk away
That's not yours cause you're ruled by your own old fears
Live a life that's not yours but its own the slave of your self-apathy
You won't find cause you're ruled by your own old fears living suffering gloving cursing
Dying frightening life try to hide cut its throat
But you can't because it's yours reveals you as cold as you
Seem reveals you as lost as you are.