C'mon Stabbed The blood is spilling Sirens Are stealing your soul No more! Sanity! Chopped Guts everywhere Painted The walls with blood Marsh Of flesh and bone The eyes Portals to serenity No more! Sa- ni - ty! The grotesque pain Grows with fear Night shall watch The slaughter of an innocent mite. Chopped Guts everywhere Painted The walls with blood Marsh Of flesh and bone The eyes Portals to sanity No more! Sanity The incapacity Of fight for your own life Leads you to your death Undeniable mediocrity Sanity has leave you to die Death is here to take you away Chopped Guts everywhere Painted The walls with blood Marsh Of flesh and bone The eyes Portals to sanity No more! Sanity! Pledge with death Life's stabbed and humiliated It's over, your blood spills Your guts (are) spitted out of your body No more Sanity