


Outside of this world, there are others to be found
Many rise above Midgard and some lie below the ground
They're all bound together by the great world tree
There Odin hanged for days so we all could be free
Not anything can bring it down, no force or man alive
Only Nidhoggr down below can threaten all mankind
No mercy will be shown on that fateful day
When it falls, the wolf breaks free, and all gods join the fray

Jormungand surrounds the sea to keep the waves at bay
When he leaves, the sea will flow as the sky turns gray.
The Einherjer will rise again to fight another day
They work with the Aesir to drive evil away.
The tree of all life
On the day it comes down, we all join the fight
Consumed by burning flames
Soon the mighty Surt will descend from Muspelheim

Sons of Muspel ride across the bridge Bifrost
Heimdall blows his mighty horn, or all will be lost
Naglfar sets its sails, and Jormungand comes to shore
Only the serpent can be faced by the mighty Thor
Loki comes to the battlefield, followed by legions of Hel
Fenrir breaks from his chains, and others too evil to tell
To the giant battlefield, the evil legions arrive
It is time now for the gods to ride