Noromi Lucalen

The Graveyard's Bridgehead Is Covered With Crosses

Noromi Lucalen

The flaming sky I saw it
The poor lost souls beg for redemption
The ancient lords of the ninth circle
Bless the matrix of the outer dimension.

So be it proclaimed the dark prophet
He craved for cruel torments
In ashes and dust it opened the Door:
The keep of the sacred lore

The tortured soil parted, throwing out bloody tongues of fire
And all living things bent their knees, feeling the Second coming
The cloister of torments and sufferings
The stronghold of the mournful dead
The judge over all and forever
It appeared on paths of the mortal

The darkness fell and Ragnarok came
And all that have marred the sleep
Gained its shape and a name
And covered the Earth by eternal rain

Arms of lightning, storms and the rain
The signs of eternal partings
The cry of the sorrowful
And mourning of the praying

Prophecies have showed the doom, a dreadful shivering
In the waterfall of deaths, clad in blood
The beast appeared in unearthly glimmering.

The horde of the soulless sinners
Push forth the hellish straps