Today i met an old friend He didn´t smile when he saw me I don´t know if it was because of his putrid teeth Or for no reason at all On his arms he carried his son Who was weak And by the way he fumbled the toys He was blind I don´t know if it was because his mother had used crack Or by a genetic disturbance He had been dismissed four months ago I don´t know if it´s because he was inapt Or cause he had aids He had sunken eyes and trembling hands He´d used drugs I don´t know if it was to try or to forget hunger In the hole where he lives There´re a lot of human beings I don´t know if it is because of society´s omission Or a divine desire In the end of our talk I gave him everything i had in the pocket I don´t know if i did it cause he is an old friend Or just to live with a safe conscience