
Mirror's Lady


Your spring is fading
Take my hand
Rose will bloom again
With its thorns

Mirrors lady
You broke the hourglass
Full moon reflected on your pale face
Through the hell’s gate

“Moon must bow to my grace”
New queen on the night throne
Crimson eyes, bloody hands
Evil soul, cursed pawn for beauty
“I’m my only love”
“Soon will come the time”
“No price is too high”

You have never looked to the sky
Higher in grace, witness of sin
Black widow in your mirrors lair
Victim of your deadly lust web
“I have all I want”
“Not what you wish”
“I will always shine”

You can’t escape from your destiny
Beauty frozen in the moonlight
Your last mirror will be ethernal
Sleep under a velvet cold water sky
“Leave me please, my lord”
“It’s too late to pray”
“Forever play my requiem!”

Blind for your desires
It’s time to pay
Get on my flame carriage
Sink with me