1. The world is a conglomerate of energy which revolves perpetually. 2. This energy manifests itself in an infinite number of ways. 3. And so we are masses of pulsating energy. 4. Within us, around us, there are unimaginable seas of energy 5. This energy is personalized in our conscious minds. 6. We are the embodiments of this energy. 7. Eons ago, this energy found its embodiment in us. 8. Our duty is: by blood, by fight, by honour - we have to evolve into a higher form. 9. This energy is often referred to as "the Dark Side", due to its impersonal, inhuman, unimaginable nature. The nature which we, humans, can't really understand. We are not ready yet. 10. This energy leads to creativity, development and evolution. 11. This energy is the reason for both, our reality and fantasy. 12. Very often, this energy is referred to as the Devil. 13. Hail the Devil. Hail the Dark Side.