The Warriors of the cosmic order! To destroy and to create! To cross the frozen Rhine! The Barbarians of the new world! Hail, the Warriors! Hail, the Guardians! Hail, the New Barbarians of the dying kingdoms of Man! We - the piercing wind We - the severe frost We - tempestuous winter We - the Age of the Cloven Shields Hail, the Warriors of the Cosmic Order! Hail, the Guardians of the most ancient (tradition) Hail, the Barbarians of the dying kingdoms of Man The dying kingdoms of Man So behold - the ubiquitous weakness the ubiquitous malady the lethal pestilence in the dying kingdoms of Man! So behold - the world downfall Downfall of the kingdoms of Man... We shall set the world on fire... We shall bring the new order... and complete the eternal circle of birth and destruction... We shall bring the Age of Cloven Shields The Age of Wolf The Age of Sword Be the Swords... Swords of Cloven Shields