That precise point in time The life before and the life after The bridging nanosecond Would silence the human laughter Trying to recall the feeling The things as they were known A sudden world turned upside down Where every man was on his own Watching the peaceful cloudless sky Turning to a world of flames Eaten by an exploding inferno Paralyzed by remembered names A one heart-stopping moment With expanded shaking dread The growling madness, now extreme How many thousands are dead? No one could ever be prepared Thousand of cold staring eyes Images burned in memories Innocence paying what price? The precise point in time Broadcast ed history unfold The world would follow this devastating crime Not believing what they are told The sky is crying out in despair With bodies instead of tears The fear of death is filling the air Will remain for the rest of our years No one could ever be prepared Thousands of cold staring eyes Images burned in memories Innocence paying what price?