
What Slayde Says


Slayde is my buddy, my pal, he is my brother I'am one, he is the other 
When the sun shines, he is my shadow 
And when the moon is high, it's at his feet I'lie 
But i'll never listen to what slayde says 
I'll never listen to what slayde says 
Slayde's always talking, and it's rarely nice 
He's always whispering his poisonous advice 
He is secretive, ruthless and cold 
He mentions just enough and leaves the rest untold 
He said, "don't ever risk an open attack, 
just smile into their faces and then stab them in the back" 
But slayde, I'said, what about the weak, 
The helpless and the small? 
He just sneered and said, "fuck 'em all, fuck 'em all" 
He said I'am a murderer, although i've killed no one 
You talk in puzzles slayde, I'said, 
What have you really done? 
"I've cut the twining cord, i've shot the turtle dove, 
i've shut out that precious light that shines from above" 
Slayde, you are a poet, I'said 
But what are you truly speaking of? 
He smiled and whispered, "I murdered love" he smiled and whispered, 
"I murdered love" 
I guess I'hate him, no, that's not really true 
He's not completely bad, 
Sometimes he'll crack a joke or two 
I guess i've grown accustomed to his funny ways 
It's not his fault that he was made that way 
I hear him in my sleep, I'see him in my dreams 
I see him crouched before some terrible machine 
And then I'face a mirror and he steps in between 
Can you tell me, what does this mean? 
Can you tell me, what does this mean? 
Now I'lay me down to sleep and pray to god my soul to keep 
If I'should die before I'wake 
You'll know i've made my escape but there is one step i'll never take 
I'll never listen to what a slayde says...