Under the big blade of black inquisition I dragged a witch and a pile of other cares I dragged a shrew dirty and wild I mocked blaming her by the end of lash It lasted as if two centuries Thy sick ancestors' anguishes, however carnal like me Hungry is this child with little eyes Lean and in without material hands Wouldn't I take it cover, feed and be with it? I can't answer myself, the bell is ringing now In pews the same ones saw it, it little, crying one - take Under the naked blade of thousandth inquisition I dragged a witch - old like leprosy I dragged her by hair tearing a pavement Old was a man I will tell you He was sitting at a wall covered as in frost He was groaning in front of us begging mercy He lost his legs fighting for country His family died because that's the fate I wanted to feed him when strange chance My own grandma kicked his into the corner That bell sounded. What to do? I'm going, There is a nice front Old was a man Ha was sitting at a wall He was groaning in front of us He lost his legs I wanted to feed him My own grandma kicked his That belt sounded. What to do? I'm going, there is a nice front Under the living blade of my inquisition I'm dragging that witch I don't know no more from where She's unusual clear not to recognize. This sudden change could astonish No, I don't believe, the witchcrafts are getting me wrong I was in pew, church pool I twisted my hands with the hope And what she? And where is she? Under the living light there wind blew into her This old witch is indeed me You are too high to see how low you are