
Nothing Till'Now


I just have to close my eyes to go back with my mind 
Those days, so far away, they were so Hopeful, lovely, lot of dreams 
About my built world The eyes of a child looked to the future
Nothing 'till now has improved 
my losing battle now has to be fighted
Nothing 'till now has improved 
My losing battle's become survival
What's the matter?
It was mine at all
What's the matter? What's the matter?
It seemed so easy 
What's the matter? 
I have to learn to float, it seems to me to be sinking
I will do everything possible, 
I will never stop fighting everyone wants to bring me down
Every single day the match restarts,
I am conscious there are dreams that will remain the same and concepts 
I will never agree with 
It's only me deciding what's better for my life
I'm not looking for an attitude, 
I've got mine, 
I will follow mine