Glorious victory of democracy, nothing now have to change The French revenge is done, the "U.S.-PAX" will comes Through dollars they have to loan for all Now there are no more lines Now there will be the ruin for all: 1929 1929: they've lost control 1929: the dream fall alone Visions of misery: the western freelands of gold... Meanwhile in Germany someone tell something strong He knows in Italy another 'prophet of smoke' A new idea to condemn the scapegoat Now there are no more lines Now there will be the ruin for all: 1929 1929: they've lost control 1929: the dream fall alone The "west-coast" see the "east-ghost" They need a wall to protect all They need the outpost where now there There is a weak... pawn: German pawn Now there are no more lines Now there will be the ruin for all: 1929 1929: they've lost control 1929: the dream fall alone