Nodd Morris


Nodd Morris

Madeline, Madeline, as innocent as it sounds 
it isn't how i made it out to be 
see there's times when we're lead astray 
and we cannot remember the way we came 
Madeline, Madeline, as horrible as this may be 
do not feel afraid for me 
cuz i don't have the strength to pretend i don't care 
and i cannot extend the love to repair what i've done to you 

Chorus : rest be assured i have learned to recognize when it's my turn 
your love is enough to provide a reason for me to survive 

Madeline, Madeline, as long as it has seemed 
you come to me in every dream 
and i break down like a little boy 
and i have to remind myself that life is just a decoy 
that time is just a decoy 
that i am just a decoy 
