Perish, perish, perish you will As you'll fall by my iron tower of will Storming my thoughts are flying My mind is hunting in the night I need no arms, no hands, to make you sigh You will never see the light of day... Slain you fall by the grimness of my very being Present your bleeding soul, to satisfy my master I serve and be one with Him You own to us I claim your soul - your life's forfeit Let me carry you on black wings Above the lake of fire Crawl slave, on your knees Now, learn why you fear the night Woe to you, larva of hell The dark angel is before you You can only admire, my greatness of Rank You can only admire my wings of a bat My face of a skull Two pinpoint of lightning Replacing my eyes Tormenting your soul Down to the pit We devour Tormenting your soul Ultimate revenge Glorious vengeance Sweet hate Praise evil You can only admire These blood-stained well earned wings That stood fast and loyal