


Dormant in his golden throne,
awaits me dreaming on the beyond.
Walking on the wind, orders to the stars.
Prevails over the light, lives on the flame.

Even the divine will succumb to the desire.
Thousands of gods like slaves incline for you.
You’re being adored by ephemeral human lives.

Feathered snake, life and death emanate from you.
Millions of servants in the whole world,
magnificence of a true god.
Wrapped by funeral shade,
crowned with the pestilence of the divine death.

Dominant and proud, his death essence ends up prevailing.
You, who dwells forever and since the first dawn.

Feathered snake, life and death emanate from you.
Millions of servants in the whole world,
magnificence of a true god.
Wrapped by funeral shade,
crowned with the pestilence of the divine death.