Alere flammam peritatis et lux in tenebris lucet Da mihi animas, caetera tolle, fiat lustitia et pereat mundus Crowned as graceful instrument of God An angel of holy judgement Scourge of the blasphemer Extirpator of confessions, eradicator of sins Broken bones, agony melodies, suffering at the gallows Sinner horribly disfigured for the rest of his life Drowning in their own blood expiring their sins De inquisitoribus lords of the pyre De inquisitoribus against human sacrilege De inquisitoribus of depraved souls De inquisitoribus of heretical thought Towers of lifeless bodies rise up from the world to the feet of your lord Redeemer of deceased bodies Tormentors of human souls Damned faces of leering and drooling That lack of the last breath of life De inquisitoribus collectors of confessions De inquisitoribus punishers of heretics De inquisitoribus of adultery De inquisitoribus of depravity Messiahs of human agony, exercising divine will