The empires fall down, transformed in useless ruins Nobility of thought? In a material world inspired by desires The dead hands of religion sterilize the wisdom Mass of confused beings vanish in an atrocious fanaticism Avid for love, needy of forgiveness mired in ignorance Abstainers of the eternal pleasures, victims of massive fraud Blinded by the faith for a puny God Glorious ability to enslave a depraved animal Through immaculate awareness Redemptor of puritans, proclaimers of self-deceit Orators of fraud with hypocritical complacency Under the yoke of a fruitless falsehood Commanded by the enthroned liar Embraced by his eunuch host The ice age of religious thought comes to an end Sing praises to the wasteland Behold a forsaken and inglorious earth Faith means not wanting to know what is true