There would never be found enough words To alleviate the misery that Cortes took to Mesoamerican lands We’ll never perform enough acts To redeem Spanish barbarism at the gates of the kingdom of Yucatan Not even each and every drop of blood from Fray Diego de Landa Will return the descendants of Yucatan The codices and memories he ordered to burn Axe, can you feel the flavour of glory? The impious constellations rise up with me I'm on the real way to destroy the life I’m the sovereign of all things Decrepit vision of a dirty God Slave, the whip will never leave your back A million souls in sorrow, your suffering are deserved Angel without wings, show me the face of your God Storm in my head, nature burns A million souls in sorrow, your suffering are deserved Angel without wings, tell me the name of your God Algol with his glow illuminates my way to madness Daring servant of double moral Unpleasant preacher's sermon Sinner embrace the divine impurity Larvae mass Mountains The unbearable true Death is the freedom Purity withers on your hands Forgotten exploits of the Messiah Sacrilegious speakers of an abhorrent God Turned into flames Fire tongues are throwing silent prayers The blood of the forgotten Christ Carrions of a new world torn out from the bowels of the earth Angel without wings, the purity withers on your hands