
Conjuring Degradation And Morbidity


The pestilence covers the ossuary like a thick fog
Already nobody sobs for this unhappy soul
She and she alone can give voice to the dead

Supine and open, his intestines scattered over the whole table, illuminated by oil lamps

Cadaver fluids sprinkle his hands
The dexterous dancing of the needle over the mutilated body
Joining shreds of flesh

The dark secret art of necromany
Conjuring degradation and mrobidity

Inert corpse, cold like a stone
Reveals the secrets of the beyond
Buried in mystery
Death doesn't lie

Horribly disfigured face
Animated by scavenging worms
Modeling livid corpse
Summoning his soul

Five candles to five points
A circle conceals the nails of a dead child
The flushed embers
The innocent blood shed on the soil

Soulless deceased body
There is no graeater honor than serving me
Come to me through corruption
I unleash your spirit into hell