Noah Georgeson

Glorious Glory

Noah Georgeson

Diamond shot eyes
Clicking in time
See through 
The narrow spaces 
And lines
Perilous times 
Salted and brined
Sealed up in barrels 
Packed up in pine

And did he 
Tell you the story
Of the glorious glory
That can never be 
Touched or felt
But we believe 
To be true

Sparrows entwine 
Shrouded in vines
Have replaced 
The marrow
And straighted 
The spine
A horse shot 
With iron
Stamps just behind
A forehead 
That's furrowed
A face 
Wrecked by time

And did he 
Tell you the story
Of the glorious glory
That can never be 
Touched or felt
But we believe 
To be true