No Zodiac


No Zodiac

Hatred is all I feel for this world
A world that never care about me
Or gave a shit about us
The more I try to understand
The more this hatred builds up
And I welcome death

There are those who feed on our fears
All that we are is human waste
They don't distinguish child from man
To them we are nothing but fucking rats

And what do you do?
What do you have to say?
It doesn't matter if I live or die
Are you afraid to lose your freedom
And your shitty way of life?

Stare down at the ground and
Pray for death
Bite your tongue keep your mouth shut
Don't complain
You're just a piece of shit you fucking fake
Just stay away

You're just a slave
Don't complain
You're just a slave
You're better off dead

Greed blinds even the strongest man
I swear to God I rather die than live that fucking life

I'm just one man
I'm just one man
I'm just one man

Human extinction
Not such a bad thought
We could have been something great
But we fucked it all up
Bring on the end
I'm better off dead
Hell awaits and that we can't escape