Your sunken ship brought nothing more than misery! Six feet beneath the ocean's floor is quite a test for everyone Get out the fucking grave to find your death another way Seems like the sun is little closer to the water surface And burning you down is the only purpose These bleeding wounds are double troubles underneath the water Deadly alliance of your pain and ravenous sharks The bloody trace is just a thread to find your tracks uncovered All hope is gone within this innocence of dark There's only wrath remains And you should know the rules by now Another limb to waste In fact to lose the crown but find your own way out The way it goes the way it's always been. There's No one to complain about your loss but after all your heart still beats Highway to hell not nearly wishing well and you may fall so Deep… As long as there is death behind your back you must admit Watch your inner daemons Turning to redeemers Rising up to solid grounds… Where salvation Can be found… Not anymore Falling all the way back down… With no reason To resist the inescapable Watch your inner daemons Turning to redeemers Watch your inner daemons Turning to redeemers Sing another song for the sirens to tear up your (Sing, sing) Grave… And never again will they stay (Sing, sing) Listen to their chant as it's fading away! No more (Sing, sing) Meaningless talks! Just eternal damnation today! (Sing, sing) Six feet beneath the ocean's floor is quite a test for everyone Get out the fucking grave to find your death another way Seems like the sun is little closer to the water surface And burning you down is the only purpose