No Doubt

New Friend

No Doubt

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey 
And I have enough old friends to keep me company 
But you say "Hey what's up? You want too hook up?
You Wanna hang out with me? 
And kick back, relax, feel happy and lazy"

You're sent to me, one time 
You come to me, two times 
Why me? three times  
Well abracadabra I've got a new friend 

Let me introduce you to my new friend 
I got a new friend 
Let me introduce you to my new friend woahohoh 
I got a new friend 

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey 

I against I on my journey 
Happily interrupted extremes are extreme
So with my brand new friend we touch the boundries 
Like a little kitty's whiskers, cautiously 

Experimental expressions and downward looks 
You come and sniff around, I'm not sure what to do 
But like a big explosion, magically 
Look at me I think I might've found a new friend 

Let me introduce you to my new friend
I got a new friend 
Let me introduce you to my new friend woahohoh 
I got a new friend 

(Jamaican Rap) 

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey (Oh Shit!) 
Mind my own business, I'm on my journey (Oh Shit!) 

You're sent to me, one time 
You come to me, two times 
Why me? three times 
Serial monogamy, I got a new friend 

Let me introduce you to my new friend woahohoh 
I got a new friend 

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey 
And I have enough old friends to keep me comp'ny 
You say "Hey what's up? You want too hook up? 
You Wanna hang out with me?
Kick back, relax, feel happy and lazy" 

In my head, it's only in my head

Only in my head

Look at me I think I might've found a new friend 

Let me introduce you to my new friend
I got a new friend 
Let me introduce you to my new friend woahohoh 
I got a new friend 

(Jamaican Rap) 

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey (Oh Shit!) 
Mind my own business, I'm on my journey (Oh Shit!) 

You're sent to me, one time 
You come to me, two times 
Why me? three times 
Serial monogamy, I got a new friend 

Let me introduce you to my new friend woahohoh 
I got a new friend 

Mind my own business, I'm on my journey 
And I have enough old friends to keep me comp'ny 
You say "Hey what's up? You want too hook up? 
You Wanna hang out with me?
Kick back, relax, feel happy and lazy" 

In my head, it's only in my head

Only in my head

Em mente no meu próprio negócio, estou no meu caminho
E tenho bastante amigos antigos para ter companhia
Mas vc diz: "Eii e ai?! Você quer me conhecer?
Você quer passar seu tempo comigo? 
Resista, relaxe, sinta-se feliz e preguiçoso (ficou meio sem nexo, mas ok XD)

Você está mandando para mim uma vez
Você vem pra cá duas vezes
Porque eu? Três vezes
Bom, abracadabra agora eu tenho um novo amigo!

Deixa eu apresentar meu novo amigo
Eu tenho um novo amigo!
Deixa eu apresentar meu novo amigo
Eu tenho um novo amigo!

Em mente no meu próprio negócio, estou no meu caminho

Eu contra eu no meu caminho
Felizmente interrompida, extremos são extremos
Então com meu novo amigo, nós tocamos os limites
Como um bigode de gato, cautelosamente (?_?)

Expressões experimentais e olhar para baixo
Você chegou perto de obter informação, não tenho certeza do que fazer
Mas como uma grande explosão, magicalmente
Olhe para mim, eu acho q posso ter encontrado um novo amigo!

Deixa eu apresentar meu novo amigo
Eu tenho um novo amigo!
Deixa eu apresentar meu novo amigo
Eu tenho um novo amigo!

Você está mandando para mim uma vez
Você vem pra cá duas vezes
Porque eu? Três vezes
Romance monogamico, Eu tenho um novo amigo!