Spin Won't you spin here with me I regret to inform you I'm going to adore you Yeah spin. And release Just say please I'll give you the power Just orphan an hour Yeah spin You're... you're not alone It's killing me that I'm the only one there It's killing me that I know none of your friends And they never say anything good about your girl. And you risk Would you risk it for bliss? We'll be day drunks by noon We'll meet at the saloon and we'll risk You're... You're not alone.... You feed like a fiend You feed off of me You feed on my breath Though I haven't much left You feed like a fiend on me You're... you're not alone It's killing me that I'm the only one there It's killing me that I know none of your friends And they never say anything good. It's killing me that I'm the only one there It's killing me that I know none of your friends And they never say anything good about your girl.