King Love, your heart is just More just than any law of men Your mercy far outweighs the sum Of all our guilt and sin King Love, my heart is yours For I am purchased by your blood In righteousness I stand before The Father’s throne of love I can feel your presence washing over me Like an undertow your mercy pulls my debt to sea And on sweet tides of hope, I’m sailing into your unending love Your heart is like a lion, jealous for my soul Jesus, my affection roars for you alone And on sweet tides of hope, I’m sailing into your unending love King Love, this is my prayer That I’ll be planted in your grace And like a tree whose roots grow deep I’ll flourish all my days King Love, the war is won Our fearless Lion comes again With eyes aflame, he’ll call His saints To rise and reign with Him So I’ll believe that your fearless love has rescued me And I’ll confess that your blood has won my righteousness