Mooch mooch! Played the big blind, got a free ride From the bottom of the deck Every sucker, holdout man Better watch the devils hand All paper players and paintermen Rolling high and dealing crap You won´t be coming back Cause the devil dealt the deck Born to gamble, no hit and run Broken fingers ain´t no fun Made a dime, you had your time Old nick is making sure you´re done I´ve been wondering what´s that stench Something rotten something dead It might as well be sweat The devil dealt the deck The devil dealt the deck Buzz off slick And so this was the final game Got no more aces in his sleeve The horsemen took him for a ride No time to set his record right Just a lousy little thief The foulest player in the pack A creature known as rat No ace high flush without a jack The devil dealt the deck The devil dealt the deck The devil dealt the deck You know the devil The devil dealt the deck