Nine Pound Hammer

Skin A Buck

Nine Pound Hammer

Well, i shot my cousin's butt off, in a huntin' accident, and he jumps every time a door slams, and can't work because of the limp.
I didn't really mean to do it, an' it happened a long time ago.
But i'll never tarnish the words that satisfy my soul
Skin a buck

I'm half covered in skunk piss, sittin' up in a tree.
I'm so goddamn wasted, gonna shoot anything i see.

Last night while i was huntin', i fell asleep and had a dream, that all the deers had rifles an' they were comin' after me
Skin a buck

Well i got my first rifle when i was only ten. it kicked and bruised my shoulder, and then i became a man.
Shootin' from the back of a pickup, huntin' for our next meal. daddy at the spotlight, mama at the wheel.
Skin a buck