When love is enough love is just us Love isn't hard, just deep Within all of us For some of us love is just stuff to never come round Love is an apathy Love is in denial and recognition Love is both benign and malignant It's a suddenness creeping in Love is incomplete in the winning You think it's done but it ends up spinning At the party afterwards When there's no beating heart then love is the start Keeping us far from the darkest sorrow ' Love is an art written by stars Love is all fake, venus and mars Who will dare to shake me a-living Dare to damn my heart by forgiving All the suddenness creeping in Someone incomplete, someone winning When you think they're done and you end up spinning At the parties afterwards Who will dare to shake me a-living Dare to damn my heart by forgiving All the suddenness creeping in Someone incomplete, someone winning When you think they're done and you end up spinning At the parties afterwards Love is just stuff That will make us do anything Stuff we thought would damage us Stuff we thought would damage us