The wretched and the desperate Scavenge amongst the refuse Piled waist deep in the streets Of our ancient cities The starving compete with rats over every scrap Of ill sustenance to be found Rotting amongst the dead and diseased Maggot infested, disowned bodies of men and animals The waters we drink Are as sewage filth spreading sickness The disinherited and the poor Profane our temples With the stench of their disease and death Our existence has become loathsome The gods have forsaken us We have been cursed All is covered in dust and soot Ashes from fires burning The unwholesome corpses of the afflicted Our monuments have fallen to ruin The images of the gods buried in sand Our temples lay broken and prostrate in neglect The grandeur of the pharoahs is subverted Our empire fades before our eyes The black earth lays barren and desolate I look upon the crumbling pyramids and despair We are cursed