He worships dogs and reptiles He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute He dances and plays the cymbals in vile nilotic rites I am asked if he has gone mad If he has been bewitched Having coupled with a sorceress For he has become soulless, degenerate In thrall to the detestable And unclean antedeluvial rites of the phallus More ancient than even the river Nile Groveling in a world of numbing debauchery Sodded, addicted, degraded Fallen into depravity He has sown the seeds of madness Consumed by irrationality Decadence, deviancy and excess What one worships, one becomes Whores, hermapradites, lickspittles The corrupt and the drunken are all that is left him For he is wretched Consumed by lascivious And abominable orgies of flesh and blood Infected by impious acts A slave to the immortal passions That contaminate and defile the soul Inflicted with incurable decay Staggering witlessly to his doom What one worships, one becomes What one worships, one becomes What one worships