
I Whisper In The Ear Of The Dead


Tom: A

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note        <> - Trill

Tunning: A E A D F# B

Riff A:

                ................   ................

  ................   ................   ................

  ................                 ................

                    (these are 10's)
  ................    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  ................   ................

Rhy. Fill 1:


Outro: Most of this is quite hard to hear due to the feedback and I
       think its played on a keyboard as well.  I think it's best
       played with a clean guitar tone.  The feedback pitches are,
       for the most part A with occasional rises to A# and, towards
       the end, C.









Song Structure:

Riff A         x4
Rhy. Fill 1


Riff A         x4
Rhy. Fill 1

I think the song structure is correct, but haven't got the CD
at hand to check the number of times Riff A is played.  Pretty
sure it's 4 for both times though.

Any comments, corrections or suggestions are welcome.