Nightshadows Lament


Nightshadows Lament

I've never been alone
Alone and lost with no-one
Alone with shadows and frost
Before my death I wish to feel
Fell the flesh of others not dead
Not dead and cold, still and mute
Before sickness strikes I hope
Hope not to be alone

Disease is ruthless
Death slays everyone
Life is worthless when no-one
No-one lives to hear your cries
Disease is merciless
Death all powerful
Life is worthless when no-one
No-one lives to hear my cries

Isolated 'till deaths embrace
Alone in all the world
Plagued my nights cold hearted calls
Tormented by days fatigue

Slipping away from the light
Darkness owns all
Falling from the light
Into the devils darkness
Tearing at rotten flesh
Crying from clouded eyes
We died