Six o'clock, I wake up ! No one near me, Where are you ?! No words, no signs, nothing; I give up ! My heart's crying, some tears are falling down, Where are you ?! Where are you ?! I need my sweat, of this thing, small, white, so good ! I need to feed me, I need to feel better ! I need to fly, to dream, to fight enemies ! To kill enemies, see the Devil, the Angels !… Am I at Heaven ? Am I at Heaven ?! Six o'clock, I wake up ! Just a dream ? You are here ! What did happen ?! I look at you, you're so pretty ! I try to touch you, your body, so sweat ! But… I feel nothing… What's happening ?! I can't think it ! You're DEAD ! You fly ! Transparent; like a feather ! I wake up ! I wake up ! What do I feel ? Blood on my fingers ! Turning head, slowly, I see you, blood-covered… Terrified, I can't move ! I can't cry, realize ! All around me, all becomes shade All is moving, the shadows on the wall… Am I crazy ? NO ! Am I tired ? NO ! Am I heart ? No ! So, what's happening ?!… Oh I know ! I understand, all is clear now : I think I'm dead No one's crying over me ! No tears, no deception ! Why ? Nobody cries ! Nobody mourns to me ! I am covered by a white sheet… I was a junky, No proud to be but it's to late ! The Time is coming to pay, pay mistakes ! So I leave your World ! MY World ! To I hope, a better World !