Welcome one and welcome all, it's clear that you've heard my call Now that you have come to see, the kingdom I have made for thee Terror, pain and scorn is gone, stay with me it won't be long Till all is well forevermore, and we fly free In time and other worlds You won't find (Euphoria) All you're looking for Left behind (Euphoria) All of the sadness of all of the souls Casting a shadow on memories of old Come now I'll show you how better unfolds Have no fear (Euphoria) Now listen closely everyone! You must accept what's done is done And then you will see what's become A masterful illusion! No regrets nor misery! The new crusade has come with me To fight away the evil that's in your eyes In dimensions and other worlds (Euphoria) You will never find (Euphoria) All of the things you were looking for (Euphoria) Distant, left behind All of the sadness (Euphoria) Of all of the souls (Euphoria) Casting a shadow (Euphoria) On memories of old (Euphoria)