Hey! Hold off tight! Hold off tight! Athenians on a forest army afloat Cecrop's city! The final call... Pompous... Grandiose, Savvy! Gross enforce. The principle of massive law The Oracle! Death bless claw... Horrid... bass deep and strong To end on a wooden wall! Ambassador... Ambassador... Ambassador... of mass! Ambassador... Ambassador... Ambassador... of mass! Hordes of restless, Strenght so endless! Rage unleashed, Delirious beast! Coming from the lands of east, Down the Aegean Sea Marching, moral sky high, Ignoring... death's high tide Invading... heavily en masse To kill, to burn and crush! Generous and brave enough not To face... the Athenian wrath! Ambassador... Ambassador... Ambassador... of mass! Ambassador... Ambassador... Ambassador... of mass! Hordes of restless, Strenght so endless! Rage unleashed, Delirious beast! Hordes of restless, Strenght so endless! Athenians embrace This land of holy grace This land of holy grace!