Dost thou not know me?..? Dy name? sign? dost thou not know my provenance and my throne? I am the twain horned prince Sovereign of the earth Illumed under the cycles of the morning and the evening star I am the pontifex that would span the heights within the depths I bear the mantle of old night and rise from the face of the abyss with eyes upturned towards the lights of the pleroma I am the stone within the primordial sea of tribulation and strife. I am the lone sojourner in the burning desert of shadow I am he who strides upon the razor's path Flanked by chasm and naught I am he who would pass betwixt and between within the moment of the nocturnal thunderbolt's radiance I am man The burning adam who reaches towards polaris to steal from it's quintessence And places it's ineffable flame within my heart.