As the cold winds blow across the lands Comes the frostbitten hands of winter A gloomy day's dawn with it's bloodstained skies The first snowfall arrives Oceans of silver clouds march over the horizen Negate the sun of our frozen elegance The spirits of summer deep in their slumber Blanket the remains of autumn Winter... You are welcomed with open arms Paint the landscapes with white snow Hazy clouds hide the moon's somber glow Frozen ponds reflect the dimsal grey sky Evergreens weep in their weight of ice The skies are shedding their frozen tears The essence of melancholy and monumental sorrow Uller has come home once again Thew approach of the solstice excites rejoice A gentle descension of white crystals Permeates the atmosphere And with a sudden frenzied onslaught A wall of white surroundings me from all sides Solitary and exstatic So alone in this cold an dblustery snow Icicles forming on the baying trees Autums shades lie buried beneath the snow Eastern winds mount the virgin winter And grace it with elegant snowfall The sky is clearing and the night stars shine Mirroring the crystals now covering the land Glinstering off the snow is the great goddess My moonshadow penetrates the setting snow The trees glow with silver aura The night is alive with lunar bliss In the presence of these homely winter sprits Cold and lonely we all are... Cold and lonely we all are...