in this land of plenty we've got mountains we've got sky our fortunes are many we've got rivers running by we've got canyons, we've got the valleys we've got the legend of joe hill we got the ramblin' woody guthrie whose songs we're singin still in this land of plenty we've got the healthy and the sick our cures are many we can fix you right up quick but if you need some helpin and don't got the blue cross card lay down your grave boy cause your health'll be falling hard in this land of plenty we've got the rich, we've got the poor go to school if you got money if you don't, you go to war we'll ship you off to boot camp then we'll send you off to fight you might get wounded in a battle your chance of livin might be slight in this land of plenty we've got the worker and the boss the demands are many and your life may be the cost you'll try and form a union to pay a family bill they'll move the corp to china to keep their pockets filled you'll shrug your shoulders slightly as you pass the beaten buck and you'll raise your glass a plenty to those down on their luck