doctor can't you see these pills you've given me the morphin and the codine and the viox i've been chokin down and i'm only here for a headache oh i know you're being paid for using these corporate names but now i'm puking and i'm bloating up and i'm pissing blood and knowing that i am being used amitriplilyn, benadryl carbomezopine take your pill darbepoetin, elavil fludricortizone, ten refills glycopyrolate, heptolac ibuprofen for all your cramps ketoconozol, lypitor, mechlorethamine, take some more nortriptoline, opticyl parepectolin, fever chills quinupristin, ritalin sandogobulin, you'll be thin trimethobenzamide, ultracet viagra it'll keep him wet welbutrin xanex yohimbine take some zoloft you'll feel fine doctor, can't you see these pills are killin' me now i've got a rash, more pills i'll stash for fixin that you won't have me back no, i'm not comin back