What if I was to escape the fabrication of a life Came back in another shape never gonna rest no more What if I came to embrace the false reaction to an act Woke up in another place never gonna rest no more BRIDGE All stars are sleeping on a bed of manmade dreams there´s no way to see them from below All men are walking on a road of silent screams there´s a way to hear them come and go CHORUS To be sad and sometimes worried To be left with fingers crossed To be filled with made up sorries and a breath that turnes to frost Darling, I can never see the things you see out there so I come along and keep my fingers crossed What if I was to intrude the interaction of the two Found me in another mood never gonna rest no more BRIDGE All stars are sleeping on a bed of manmade dreams there´s no way to see them from below All men are walking on a road of silent screams there´s a way to hear them come and go CHORUS To be sad and sometimes worried To be left with fingers crossed To be filled with made up sorries and a breath that turnes to frost Darling, I can never see the things you see out there so I come along and keep my fingers crossed SOLO CHORUS To be sad and sometimes worried To be left with fingers crossed To be filled with made up sorries and a breath that turnes to frost Darling, I can never see the things you see out there so I come along and keep my fingers crossed