Keep it going... keep it going... Never thought that you would understand What it means to take a woman, be a man Never thought that you would come around Abandon your routine and wake up to the sound Embracing your desires then spinning them around Create imagination and connect it to the ground You bring it back my way 'cause you promised to provide I want to touch you baby and scream out La La La La La It's all a rhythm... It's all a beat... Wrapped up in your fear, I feel my heart weaken Exposed to demons, to parasites of life Determined you shall be to find your tranquil balance Grounded to your centerpiece I think I understand what it means to be above it all It's never easy The higher you climb up, the darker is the hole You lose if you don't make a choice I choose the feelings in my chamber A modern day samurai Fly high as though gravity was nothing but a lie Connect the dots, open your eyes I'll be waiting on the other side Never thought that you would understand What it means to take a woman, be a man Never thought that you would come around Abandon your routine and wake up to the sound Embracing your desires then spinning them around Create imagination and connect it to the ground You bring it back my way 'cause you promised to provide I want to touch you baby and scream out La La La La La