I watched you overcome your fear of air And then you never looked back. You dreamed to conquer and declare all you saw your own, And I never changed your track. You first were cautious of abusing my gifts - I continued to incessantly give. You first respected the affection I favored you with - Unhindered, I let you live. I became one with everyone you’ve loved When rigor mortem invaded your home. On my shoulders your web of cities grew, Majestic steel mixed with dirt and bone. We’ve found a harmony - Symbiotic bliss matched in key. I provide everything And you give me a reason to exist. I marvel at you, children. I create and you improve, And even though you scalped my lands I’m glad I helped to feed your youth. Just remember that when I’m gone There will be no more I can do. Will you be carrion? Will you be consumed?