New Order

Touched By The Hand Of God

New Order

I was standing by the ocean when I saw your face

I couldn't look at you.
I guess you knew it
but I never realized that we were trough.
And now I've done it all alone with every feeiing that I own

You can't take that away.
And with every breath we take and the illusions we create

Will come to yov some day.

And I was touched by the hand of God

I never knew it
but of course I was.

I never hoped to do the things in this world I wanted to

Because everything I own
it belongs to you.
I have never looked at you in a sexual way in my life before

And I've never woken up like this so desperately before.

And I was touched by the hand of God
. . .
I was touched by the hand of God
. . .

Touched by the hand of God
. . .
I was touched by the hand of God
. . .
I was touched
I was touched
I was touched.

Estava esperando no oceano quando vi seu rosto

Não podia olhar para você
Achei que você sabia disso
Mas eu nunca percebi que nós estávamos tão completamente
E agora eu tenho feito tudo sozinho, com meus próprios sentimentos

Você não pode fugir disso
E com cada respiração que tomamos e as ilusões que criamos

Voltarão para você algum dia

E eu fui tocado pela mão divina

Eu nunca tive certeza
Mas certamente eu fui

Eu nunca esperei fazer as coisas que eu queria neste mundo

Porque tudo que é meu
Tudo pertence a você.
Eu nunca olhei para você de uma forma sexual na minha vida antes

E eu nunca acordei tão desesperadamente antes.

E eu fui tocado pela mão divina
. . .
Eu fui tocado pela mão divina
. . .

Tocado pela mão divina
. . .
Tocado pela mão divina
. . .
Fui tocado
Fui tocado
Fui tocado