New Model Army

Young, Gifted & Skint

New Model Army

Young,gifted and skint - 
that's where it int... 
look how easily it happened 
look how easily i fell 
now i'm up to here in debt 
there's a noose around my neck 
there's a price upon my head. 

My past was all in borrowed time 
(stupid stupid borrowed time) 
now that the deed is done 
i'm waiting for the axe to fall 
fantasies grow in my brain 
run away and start again 
dissappear and change my name... 

...Money makes the world go round 
fear makes it turn much faster 
can't pay the rentman a single thing 
don't let the man from the gas board in 
maybe this is all a dream 
maybe i'll wake up again 
maybe this could all be clean...