New Model Army

Master Race

New Model Army

Well we all learned how to use a fork and a knife 
How some times we have to wear a suit and tie 
And understand these things are what give us the right 
To go around the world acting superior 

We live with missiles and the armaments cash 
With rewritten histories and a fictoral past 
And though some of us still have questions to ask 
This ships she sails without a captain 

Goddamn this masterrace 
That we're born in 
Goddamn this howling wolf 
That we're serving 

I've had it up to there 

The opposition we ain't doing so well 
Our understandings is weak and our knowledge is small 
And throught kids scrawl frustration on the back street wall 
Most of them can't even spell basterd bastad bastard 

Goddamn this masterrace... 

Sometimes all I know is that cold winds blow 
Down the valley from the mountain snows 
On these muggy mights I lie awake 
And wait for the thunder and the skies to break 
But they are god and they are strong 
And they can name the right and wrong 
And they reclaim the things they own 
They call us now 

So Candy please forgive these things that I've done 
When the Master race calls I know sometimes that I run 
And you mean more to me now than you ever did before 
As I try to stay away from their clutches 

Goddamn this masterrace...